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Sportline B2B for the U.K. and Republic of Ireland

• All Sportline orders are shipped to the U.K. and Republic of Ireland free of any carriage charges.

Sportline B2b for all other European Countries

• Free shipping for any order of four or more bikes.

• €15 charge per bike for orders of three or less.

• These terms apply whether via B2B, Telesales or Customer Care.




Every attempt is made to deliver by the next working day, for all orders received no later than 3.00pm.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide this level of service for those of our Customers in more remote regions or islands of the United Kingdom and Ireland, where an up to three-day delivery service generally prevails. Equally, due to erratic daily demands during peak season, we may not always be able to maintain our levels of service but rest assured of our commitment to despatch as quickly as possible.

Customer orders are not accompanied by any paperwork unless specifically requested otherwise but a despatch note and/or invoice are sent electronically by email in advance of you receiving the delivery. The despatch note details the contents in full, enabling Customers to check orders upon receipt. The items detailed on the despatch note, will be the items Customers are charged for on the invoice. The invoice is identical to the despatch note, but includes cost details & will list the products in the same order as the delivery note to simplify the reconciliation process in store.

The despatch note details the suggested retail price where one exists, which may be of assistance when price tagging the order in store.

Delivery will be made by our appointed carriers or by post. Every reasonable effort will be made to execute orders in one consignment. In the event of incomplete availability, subsequent deliveries will be shipped carriage paid.